Fuel costs can amount up to one-third of all fleet operating costs. Having an accurate fuel monitoring and control system is one of the main ways to cut operating costs and increase efficiency.

GPS tracking device collects fuel level and consumption data from vehicle on-board computer (CANbus) or from a fuel level sensor, which is installed into the fuel tank. Collected data is sent to the platform, where fleet manager can view it and use it.


  • Identify gaps in fuel usage.
  • Siphoning.
  • Reports on stops at gas stations.
  • Refuel levels
  • Fuel level and consumption information
  • Fuel tank control
  • Fuel theft protection
  • Reports, analytics and notifications
  • Historical Playback
  • Emergency alarm
  • Power-off alarm
  • Over-speed alarm
  • Idling alarm
  • Parking alarm
  • Moving alarm
  • Acceleration alarm